This is kinda a long post but here is how it all went down.
I went into the docotor the morning of the 29th, I was still dilated to a 2 and he didn't seem like he was convinced that I was going to do anything so we talked about how far I could actually go over my due date ( I was only willing to go a week past, thankfully that didn't happen.) Anyway I asked for him to strip my membranes hoping that it would do something. I went home and went about my day.
I had contractions throughout most of my pregnancy but they never really hurt and weren't regular. So about 6 o'clock I was havng contractions while making dinner, they didn't really hurt but they just kept coming. Morant left to work around 6:30 and about then I decided I would start timing them. The contractions were coming every 3-4 min but I thought I would wait it out. I watched a movie with the boys, McKendrick did his nightly reading and then at about 8:30 they went to bed. The contractions were starting to hurt a little more but I didn't want to go to the hospital yet because I didn't want to get sent home and have my co-workers think I was dumb for coming in. So I cleaned up the kitchen a little bit and tried to watch a movie. I even rented the thing off Dish network. Needless to say I couldn't concentrate very well on the movie. At about 10:00 I decided I would take a bath and try to relax. After I got out of the bath I decided I probably needed to go in so I finished packing my bag, called Morant, loaded up the boys and headed to the hospital. I dropped the boys off at my mother and father in-law's & went to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital around 11:00 they checked me in. The nurse checked me & told me I was dilated to about a 4 and that this was probably the real deal. YAY!! I called Morant, told him this was the real thing, the nurse started my I.V. we did the paperwork and was ready for a baby to be born.
I was hoping to go without an epidural this time around since I did with Parker (not by choice, but I felt soooo much better afterward) but I guess I just got worried once the pain got worse that I would want one & not be able to get one in time so I jumped on the first chance they gave me and got the epidural. (Which now I regret because it wasn't working completely anyway).
Around 2 am the nurse checked me and I was an 8, she thought my water would be breaking at anytime, which didn't happen. Around 5:30 I called the nurse because I was hurting so bad, despite the epidural, she said I was still dilated to about an 8-8.5. She called my doctor to come break my water. He got there about 6am, broke my water and at 6:26 with one push and contraction Ryston was born. All in all it was a good delivery glad it is over but thankful it was quite uneventful.
Proud big brothers
Parker held him for about a minute and said"He's fat", and pushed him off.
McKendrick was happy his brother was finally here.
Proud Daddy