Harrison Fam
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
McKendrick has been playing baseball the last couple of months and loves it. I know I am a bit partial but he is such a good little athlete, not just in baseball but in basketball too. I am so proud of him and his ambition to be a good ball player!

Happy #7 Birthday McKendrick
McKendrick turned 7 last week June 10. I can't believe how fast the last 7 years have gone by. He is such a smart boy and I cant imagine life without him. He is such a joy to have as part of our family, even though he is such a tease, especially to Parker. He is growing up to be a great young man and is learning how to be a good help around the house and with his younger brothers.
Apparently I am a bad mom because these are all the pictures I took of all the birthday bashes we had..Oops! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENDRICK !
Apparently I am a bad mom because these are all the pictures I took of all the birthday bashes we had..Oops! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENDRICK !
6-7 months
Well this post is a little late, I have been slacking in the blogger department for a while. Ryston's 6 months stats were:
26 inches long (25%)
13lbs 13 oz (3%)
head circ: 42 1/2 cm (20%)
Ryston is such a good baby we couldnt ask for better, he is such a laid back baby and easy going. He is always wiggling or moving something. He is more or less crawling and has been for a couple weeks now, it is most like an army crawl, he pulls with his arms and pushes with his feet, it is so cute!
Now that Ryston is 7 months, he sleeps through the night from 8:30 or 9:00-5:00 or 5:30, he talks and makes noises to get your attention, and he eats every 3-4 hours.
26 inches long (25%)
13lbs 13 oz (3%)
head circ: 42 1/2 cm (20%)
Ryston is such a good baby we couldnt ask for better, he is such a laid back baby and easy going. He is always wiggling or moving something. He is more or less crawling and has been for a couple weeks now, it is most like an army crawl, he pulls with his arms and pushes with his feet, it is so cute!
Now that Ryston is 7 months, he sleeps through the night from 8:30 or 9:00-5:00 or 5:30, he talks and makes noises to get your attention, and he eats every 3-4 hours.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
1st lost tooth
McKendrick lost his first tooth finally at the age of 6 1/2 on February 17,2011. The tooth had been loose for quite a while but it got really loose in a couple of days. I had to fight him to get to pull it out because he didn't want to loose his tooth, he is such a silly kid. Anyway after about 30min of trying to pull it out we finally got it & he was then happy, and it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would (imagine that!)
The money the tooth fairy brought :-)
So I haven't posted in awhile guess I am just lazy or too buzy I don't know which one, maybe a little of both. Anyway I took Ryston & Parker in for their check-up's on the 1st of March and here is what we found.
Parker was in the 97th percentile for height & weight- He weighed93 1/2lbs & was 41 inches tall, Dr. Beales was kinda funny because he had such a jump on the growth chart he made his medical assistant weigh him again.
Ryston is a little squirt he was in the 3rd that's right number 3 percentile for weight. He weighed 11lbs. 14 oz which was only 15 oz more than what he weighed at 2 months & he was 24 inches tall which was the 25%.
Life is keeping us busy, McKendrick is busy with basketball at the moment which he really enjoys.
Parker is such a fun kid to have around, but likes to be a little clingly lately.
Ryston is now 4 1/2 months old.
Things about Ryston now........
1) He rolls over quite well from front to back & back to front.
2) He is very easy going (even when his brothers pack him all around)
3) He loves his older brothers
4) He has alot of hair which sticks straight up off of his head no matter what I do
5) He just barely started wearing 3-6 month clothes, he still fits in some of the 0-3 mon stuff.
6) He will NOT drink formula, only likes his mama's milk or baby food.
7)He is always moving something, mostly kicking his legs & flailing his arms.
8) He sat on the horse for the first time this month
9) He started eating baby food & rice cereal this month. Fav's are banana's, but will eat mostly anything.
Parker was in the 97th percentile for height & weight- He weighed93 1/2lbs & was 41 inches tall, Dr. Beales was kinda funny because he had such a jump on the growth chart he made his medical assistant weigh him again.
Ryston is a little squirt he was in the 3rd that's right number 3 percentile for weight. He weighed 11lbs. 14 oz which was only 15 oz more than what he weighed at 2 months & he was 24 inches tall which was the 25%.
Life is keeping us busy, McKendrick is busy with basketball at the moment which he really enjoys.
Parker is such a fun kid to have around, but likes to be a little clingly lately.
Ryston is now 4 1/2 months old.
Things about Ryston now........
1) He rolls over quite well from front to back & back to front.
2) He is very easy going (even when his brothers pack him all around)
3) He loves his older brothers
4) He has alot of hair which sticks straight up off of his head no matter what I do
5) He just barely started wearing 3-6 month clothes, he still fits in some of the 0-3 mon stuff.
6) He will NOT drink formula, only likes his mama's milk or baby food.
7)He is always moving something, mostly kicking his legs & flailing his arms.
8) He sat on the horse for the first time this month
9) He started eating baby food & rice cereal this month. Fav's are banana's, but will eat mostly anything.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Cute, Funny & Wierd things
So I just wanted to share some of the cute, fun & wierd things the boy's have been up to.
The other night we played the game clue with McKendrick & Gavin and after the game & for all of last week McKendrick was scared every night that someone was going to come murder him. McKendrick also finally has a loose tooth. He won't wiggle it though because he doesn't want it to fall out- funny kid. McKendrick is all about appearance, he has to have his hair done every day before school (we didn't have time one morning (& it looked fine by the way it was just flat) but he informed me when he got home from school that he wet it down in the bathroom at school and made it look ok). Last night Liz came down to the hospital to watch him & Ryston & she said McKendrick was sooooo tired (because we didn't get out of there till 11:00 p.m.) but he wouldn't lay down on her lap because he was worried that the people waiting would see him. He is such a funny kid & I don't know what I would do without him. Just some stats cuz I measured him the other day for B-ball, he is 48 inches tall and weighs about 48lbs.
Parker is starting to say some of the funniest things & apparently I say them alot too. So the other day McKendrick was bothering him & he yelled "I'm not in the mood Kennick" , which McKendrick informs me I say quite frequently after I have worked all night & am tired. He also got mad at me the other day sat on the floor, crossed his arm's & said "It's not pair(fair)" He also can't say the sound f or v so food sound like "pood" and he call's Veronica (Isaac's feonce) Beronica. He is such a wild child but we love having him around, there is definitely never a dull moment at our house. Parker is 39" tall & weighs 38 lbs.
The other night we played the game clue with McKendrick & Gavin and after the game & for all of last week McKendrick was scared every night that someone was going to come murder him. McKendrick also finally has a loose tooth. He won't wiggle it though because he doesn't want it to fall out- funny kid. McKendrick is all about appearance, he has to have his hair done every day before school (we didn't have time one morning (& it looked fine by the way it was just flat) but he informed me when he got home from school that he wet it down in the bathroom at school and made it look ok). Last night Liz came down to the hospital to watch him & Ryston & she said McKendrick was sooooo tired (because we didn't get out of there till 11:00 p.m.) but he wouldn't lay down on her lap because he was worried that the people waiting would see him. He is such a funny kid & I don't know what I would do without him. Just some stats cuz I measured him the other day for B-ball, he is 48 inches tall and weighs about 48lbs.
Parker is starting to say some of the funniest things & apparently I say them alot too. So the other day McKendrick was bothering him & he yelled "I'm not in the mood Kennick" , which McKendrick informs me I say quite frequently after I have worked all night & am tired. He also got mad at me the other day sat on the floor, crossed his arm's & said "It's not pair(fair)" He also can't say the sound f or v so food sound like "pood" and he call's Veronica (Isaac's feonce) Beronica. He is such a wild child but we love having him around, there is definitely never a dull moment at our house. Parker is 39" tall & weighs 38 lbs.
.....Sorry the pics are kinda random & the post is after the pics i couldnt move the pics once they were uploaded it kept deleting them.......
Parker's head after stitches.

Three Boys

Parker's head before stitches

Parker's head after stitches.

3 months-
Ryston turned 3 months old yesterday on January 30, I weighed Ryston yesterday and he was 12 lbs 3 oz. I can't believe how fast time goes by. He isn't very big, just average but thats ok with me because thats less weight I have to pack around. He is such a good baby and is actually starting to smile alot more, I just can't catch it on the camera. He eats about every 4 hours and on most nights sleeps from 9-8 with one feeding during the night (which is good for mom & dad when I work). He does have the occasional night usually 1-2 times a week where he sleeps all night. He is such a joy to have as a part of our family.
3 stitches
Yesterday January 30th we were at my sister's house playing games and just as we were getting ready to go Parker was playing around, standing on a toy with wheels, and it rolled back and Parker fell forward right on the corner of the dryer. So off to the E.R. we went to get stitches (3 of them to be exact). He was really good and if it was up to him a bandaid would have made it all better, but I didn't want him to have a big scar so we took him to get stitches, & in about 1 week Parker will be 3 years old. Can't believe how fast time goes by.
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