Parker's head after stitches.

3 months-
Ryston turned 3 months old yesterday on January 30, I weighed Ryston yesterday and he was 12 lbs 3 oz. I can't believe how fast time goes by. He isn't very big, just average but thats ok with me because thats less weight I have to pack around. He is such a good baby and is actually starting to smile alot more, I just can't catch it on the camera. He eats about every 4 hours and on most nights sleeps from 9-8 with one feeding during the night (which is good for mom & dad when I work). He does have the occasional night usually 1-2 times a week where he sleeps all night. He is such a joy to have as a part of our family.
3 stitches
Yesterday January 30th we were at my sister's house playing games and just as we were getting ready to go Parker was playing around, standing on a toy with wheels, and it rolled back and Parker fell forward right on the corner of the dryer. So off to the E.R. we went to get stitches (3 of them to be exact). He was really good and if it was up to him a bandaid would have made it all better, but I didn't want him to have a big scar so we took him to get stitches, & in about 1 week Parker will be 3 years old. Can't believe how fast time goes by.
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